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¡Estas actividades prácticas relacionadas con STEM involucrarán a sus estudiantes con varios conceptos de STEM como germinación, partes de plantas, acuaponia y más!
Watch every step of germination take place in your window!
Ziplock Greenhouse
Get started with aquaponics!
Aquaponics in a bottle
Sensory fun for the little ones with just seeds and paper!
Seed Bombs
Start seeds using only an empty milk jug!
Milk Jug Greenhouse
Learn about pollination with this simple activity!
Pollinator Party
Discover the different parts of the plant while enjoying fruits and veggies!
Plant Part Taste Test
Recycle your pumpkins this fall with this fun and simple craft!
Pumpkin Bird Feeder
Sleuth out the differences between coniferous and deciduous plants with this hands-on activity!
Salt Dough Impressions